
Get useful insights about your app business into your inbox

Receive timely and relevant information straight to your inbox, including revenue, churn rate, active subscribers, active trials, and more – the same metrics available in Charts.

You have the flexibility to choose the frequency of these reports – daily, weekly, or monthly - tailored to the insights you've chosen for your Overview. Each report includes current data and compares it to the previous period, be it day, week, or month. Reports can be tailored based on whether you need insights for a single app or multiple apps: detailed for individual apps or summarized for multiple ones. We suggest enabling summary reports for all apps and detailed reports for recently released or high-priority apps. Summary reports consolidate metrics across all selected apps.

Email reports are delivered to your inbox at 9 AM in your local time zone every day for daily reports, and at 9 AM on Mondays for weekly and monthly reports.

Enable reports

  1. Open the Account section in the Adapty top menu.
  2. Under the Email reports section, choose the types of reports you wish to receive – daily, weekly, and/or monthly.
  1. Customize each report type by selecting the relevant apps. For this, click the Edit button.

  2. In the report window, choose the apps you want to include.

  3. Finally, click the Save changes button to apply your selections.

Set your time zone

  1. Open the Overview section in the Adapty main menu.

  2. Click the Edit button and choose your time zone.

  3. Click the Done button to save.