React Native — Configure Adapty SDK

Learn how to import Adapty iOS SDK in your app, configure it, and set up logging

To initialize Adapty SDK, import adapty and call activate in your core component such as App.tsx. Preferably, place activation before the React component to make sure no other Adapty call will happen before the activation call.

import { adapty } from 'react-native-adapty';


const App = () => {
	// ...

There are a number of optional parameters, that you can pass during activation:

adapty.activate('PUBLIC_SDK_KEY', {
  observerMode: false,
  customerUserId: 'YOUR_USER_ID',
  logLevel: 'error',
  __debugDeferActivation: false,
  ipAddressCollectionDisabled: false,
  ios: {
    idfaCollectionDisabled: false,
import { IosStorekit2Usage, LogLevel } from 'react-native-adapty';

adapty.activate('PUBLIC_SDK_KEY', {
  observerMode: false,
  customerUserId: 'YOUR_USER_ID',
  logLevel: LogLevel.ERROR,
  __debugDeferActivation: false,
  ios: {
  ipAddressCollectionDisabled: false,
  storeKit2Usage: IosStorekit2Usage.EnabledForIntroductoryOfferEligibility,
ios: {
    idfaCollectionDisabled: false,
    enableUsageLogs: true,

Public SDK keyrequiredA Public SDK Key is the unique identifier used to integrate Adapty into your mobile app. You can copy it in the Adapty Dashboard: App settings -> General tab -> API Keys section.
Observer modeoptional A boolean value that controls Observer mode. Set it toTRUE if you manage purchases and subscription status independently, using Adapty solely for sending subscription events and analytics.
Customer user IDoptionalAn identifier of a user in your system. We send it with subscription and analytical events, so we can match events to the right user profile. You can also find customers using the customerUserId in the Profiles section.

If you don't have a user ID when you start with Adapty, you can add it later using the adapty.identify() method. For more details, see the Identifying Users section.
Log leveloptionalA string parameter that makes Adapty record errors and other important information to help you understand what's happening.
Deferred activationoptionalA boolean parameter, that lets you delay SDK activation until your next Adapty call. This is intended solely for development purposes and should not be used in production.
Disabling IP address collectionoptionalSet to true to disable user IP address collection and sharing.
The default value is false.
Disabling IDFA collectionoptionalA boolean parameter, that allows you to disable IDFA collection for your iOS app. For more details, refer to the Analytics integration section.


Note that storeKit2Usage refers to the method the SDK uses to determine eligibility for introductory offers, not the payment process itself. Pass the value 'enabled_for_introductory_offer_eligibility' if you want to utilize the StoreKit 2 API for this specific purpose.


Make sure you use the Public SDK key for Adapty initialization, the Secret key should be used for server-side API only.


SDK keys are unique for every app, so if you have multiple apps make sure you choose the right one.


Adapty logs errors and other important information to help you understand what is going on. There are four levels available:

  1. error: only errors will be logged
  2. warn: messages from the SDK that do not cause critical errors, but are worth paying attention to
  3. info: various information messages, such as those that log the lifecycle of various modules
  4. verbose: any additional information that may be useful during debugging, such as function calls, API queries, etc.

You can set logLevel at any time in the application's lifespan, but we recommend that you do this before configuring Adapty.

import { LogLevel } from 'react-native-adapty';


For both activate and setLogLevel methods TypeScript would validate the string that you pass as an argument. However, if you are using JavaScript you might want to use LogLevel enum, that would guarantee to provide you a safe value:

Handling logs

If you save your stdout logs, you might want to filter Adapty logs from others. To do this you can add a prefix for all AdaptyError instances that would be consoled:

import { AdaptyError } from 'react-native-adapty';

AdaptyError.prefix = "[ADAPTY]";

You also can handle all the raised errors from any place you like with onError. Errors would be thrown where expected, but also duplicated to your event listener:

import { AdaptyError } from 'react-native-adapty';

AdaptyError.onError = error => {
	// ... 

Delaying SDK activation

Adapty pre-fetches all required data about a user when SDK is activated. It allows Adapty to provide you with fresh data faster.

Apparently, it leads to a problem with the iOS simulator, when the Simulator constantly prompts you to authenticate during development. While Adapty cannot control the StoreKit authentication flow, it can delay the requests SDK makes to obtain fresh user data.

Turning __debugDeferActivation property on and holds activate call until the moment you make the next Adapty SDK call. This way, you would not be prompted to provide authentication data if you don't need it.

This feature should be used in development only, as it does not consider all the edge cases of how users use your application. There is likely no need to delay activation in production as iPhones (or any real devices) remember authentication data and usually don't prompt to re-enter credentials again.

Thus, here is the preferred way to use it:

adapty.activate('PUBLIC_SDK_KEY', {
  __debugDeferActivation: isSimulator(), // 'isSimulator' from any 3rd party library