Fetch paywalls and products for remote config paywalls

For: Developers

Before showcasing remote config and custom paywalls, you need to fetch the information about them. Please be aware that this topic refers to remote config and custom paywalls. For guidance on fetching paywalls for Paywall Builder-customized paywalls, please consult Fetch Paywall Builder paywalls and their configuration.

Before you start fetching paywalls and products in your mobile app (click to expand)
  1. Create your products in the Adapty Dashboard.

  2. Create a paywall and incorporate the products into your paywall in the Adapty Dashboard.

  3. Create placements and incorporate your paywall into the placement in the Adapty Dashboard.

  4. Install Adapty SDK in your mobile app.

Fetch paywall information

In Adapty, a product serves as a combination of products from both the App Store and Google Play. These cross-platform products are integrated into paywalls, enabling you to showcase them within specific mobile app placements.

To display the products, you need to obtain a Paywall from one of your placements with getPaywall method.

Adapty.getPaywall(placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", locale: "en") { result in
    switch result {
        case let .success(paywall):
            // the requested paywall
        case let .failure(error):
            // handle the error
Adapty.getPaywall("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", locale = "en") { result ->
    when (result) {
        is AdaptyResult.Success -> {
            val paywall = result.value
            // the requested paywall
        is AdaptyResult.Error -> {
            val error = result.error
            // handle the error
Adapty.getPaywall("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", "en", result -> {
    if (result instanceof AdaptyResult.Success) {
        AdaptyPaywall paywall = ((AdaptyResult.Success<AdaptyPaywall>) result).getValue();
        // the requested paywall
    } else if (result instanceof AdaptyResult.Error) {
        AdaptyError error = ((AdaptyResult.Error) result).getError();
        // handle the error
try {
  final paywall = await Adapty().getPaywall(id: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", locale: "en");
  // the requested paywall
} on AdaptyError catch (adaptyError) {
  // handle the error
} catch (e) {
Adapty.GetPaywall("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID", "en", (paywall, error) => {
  if(error != null) {
    // handle the error
  // paywall - the resulting object
try {
	const id = 'YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID';
	const locale = 'en';

	const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall(id, locale);
  // the requested paywall
} catch (error) {
	// handle the error
placementIdrequiredThe identifier of the Placement. This is the value you specified when creating a placement in your Adapty Dashboard.
default: en
The identifier of the paywall localization. This parameter is expected to be a language code composed of one or more subtags separated by the minus (-) character. The first subtag is for the language, the second one is for the region.

Example: en means English, pt-br represents the Brazilian Portuguese language.

See Localizations and locale codes for more information on locale codes and how we recommend using them.
fetchPolicydefault: .reloadRevalidatingCacheDataBy default, SDK will try to load data from the server and will return cached data in case of failure. We recommend this variant because it ensures your users always get the most up-to-date data.

However, if you believe your users deal with unstable internet, consider using .returnCacheDataElseLoad to return cached data if it exists. In this scenario, users might not get the absolute latest data, but they'll experience faster loading times, no matter how patchy their internet connection is. The cache is updated regularly, so it's safe to use it during the session to avoid network requests.

Note that the cache remains intact upon restarting the app and is only cleared when the app is reinstalled or through manual cleanup.

Adapty SDK stores paywalls in two layers: regularly updated cache described above and fallback paywalls . We also use CDN to fetch paywalls faster and a stand-alone fallback server in case the CDN is unreachable. This system is designed to make sure you always get the latest version of your paywalls while ensuring reliability even in cases where internet connection is scarce.
loadTimeoutdefault: 5 secThis value limits the timeout for this method. If the timeout is reached, cached data or local fallback will be returned.

Note that in rare cases this method can timeout slightly later than specified in loadTimeout, since the operation may consist of different requests under the hood.

Don't hardcode product IDs! Since paywalls are configured remotely, the available products, the number of products, and special offers (such as free trials) can change over time. Make sure your code handles these scenarios.
For example, if you initially retrieve 2 products, your app should display those 2 products. However, if you later retrieve 3 products, your app should display all 3 without requiring any code changes. The only thing you have to hardcode is placement ID.

Response parameters:

PaywallAn AdaptyPaywall object with: a list of product IDs, the paywall identifier, remote config, and several other properties.

Fetch products

Once you have the paywall, you can query the product array that corresponds to it:

Adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall: paywall) { result in    
    switch result {
    case let .success(products):
        // the requested products array
    case let .failure(error):
        // handle the error
Adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is AdaptyResult.Success -> {
            val products = result.value
            // the requested products
        is AdaptyResult.Error -> {
            val error = result.error
            // handle the error
Adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall, result -> {
    if (result instanceof AdaptyResult.Success) {
        List<AdaptyPaywallProduct> products = ((AdaptyResult.Success<List<AdaptyPaywallProduct>>) result).getValue();
        // the requested products
    } else if (result instanceof AdaptyResult.Error) {
        AdaptyError error = ((AdaptyResult.Error) result).getError();
        // handle the error
try {
  final products = await Adapty().getPaywallProducts(paywall: paywall);
  // the requested products array
} on AdaptyError catch (adaptyError) {
  // handle the error
} catch (e) {
Adapty.GetPaywallProducts(paywall, (products, error) => {
  if(error != null) {
    // handle the error
  // products - the requested products array
try {
	// ...paywall
	const products = await adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall);
  // the requested products list
} catch (error) {
	// handle the error

Response parameters:

ProductsList of AdaptyPaywallProduct objects with: product identifier, product name, price, currency, subscription length, and several other properties.

Check intro offer eligibility on iOS

After getting products and before presenting the paywall, you might want to check if the user qualifies for an introductory offer for an iOS subscription and handle cases where they don't qualify. On iOS, this usually means examining different factors like whether the user is new to the subscription or has already used an introductory offer for it.

You don't have to manually check these factors on iOS. Moreover, if you use the Paywall Builder, you can skip the eligibility check as it will be done automatically. However, if you do not use the Paywall Builder, use the getProductsIntroductoryOfferEligibility(products:) method. It automatically checks the eligibility status for each product in the array:

Adapty.getProductsIntroductoryOfferEligibility(products: products) { result in
	switch result {
		case .success(let eligibilities):
			// update your UI
		case let .failure(error):
			// handle the error
try {
  final eligibilities = await Adapty().getProductsIntroductoryOfferEligibility(products: products);
	// update your UI
} on AdaptyError catch (adaptyError) {
  // handle the error
} catch (e) {
  // handle the error
Adapty.GetProductsIntroductoryOfferEligibility(products, (eligibilities, error) => {
  if (eligibilities != null) {
    // update your UI
  if (error != null {
    // handle the error

Next, you can see all the possible values of AdaptyEligibility

eligibleThe user is eligible for an intro offer, it is safe to reflect this info in your UI.
ineligibleThe user is not eligible to get any offer, you shouldn't present it in your UI.
notApplicableThis product is not configured to have an offer.


We urge you to be very careful with this scenario, as Apple's reviewers can check it quite rigorously. However, based on our experience with them, we conclude that the behavior of the payment environment in which they perform their checks may be somewhat different from our usual sandbox and production.