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Hi! Adapty Team Adapty.restorePurchases() extend the free trial? Problem: We have 170 free trails but have 1 purchases after 5 days. How is work?

Missing Plugin Exception

Hello, I'm getting this error when trying to getPaywall(), [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method get_paywall on channel flutter.adapty.com/adapty)

I am not able to activate Adapty in flutter

I am configuring Adapty according to this tutorial: https://docs.adapty.io/docs/flutter-configuring. Anyway, I don't think the documentation is up to date. When i am trying to execute this line of code: await Adapty().activate(); Android Studio tells me this This expression has a type of 'void' so its value can't be used, so, i can not even run the code using this... When i remove the void, I am able to get to a page with iOS styling, but I see the alert saying Adapty Error 20, adapty was not initialized Thank you for your answer.

Cancel or Unsubscribe a subscription

how can i unsubscribe from an active subscription in flutter

An issue with adapty activation?

Hello, I am working on the store page for my app and am receiving a 404 error - stating 'PurchaseContainer not found' along with a url. <https://api.adapty.io/api/v1/sdk/in-apps/purchase-containers/paywall_one/?profile_id=40962bd6-e3de-457f-8112-a6ae0b9c8184&locale=en> Full error below: \[Error: #2003 (badRequest): Request is unsuccessful. <https://api.adapty.io/api/v1/sdk/in-apps/purchase-containers/paywall_one/?profile_id=40962bd6-e3de-457f-8112-a6ae0b9c8184&locale=en> Code: 404, Response: {"errors":[{"detail":"PurchaseContainer Not Found","status":"404","source":{"pointer":"/data"},"code":"not_found"}]}] And here is the error of the URL if you don't want to go to it. { errors: [ { detail: "Authentication credentials were not provided.", status: "401", source: { pointer: "/data" }, code: "not_authenticated" } ] } And the implementation is correct according to the docs // App.js // useEffect(() => { adapty.activate('MY_ADAPTY_API_KEY') }, \[]) Any ideas - looking at similar discussions but not finding anything of use. Thanks! \-M

Adapty inapp

Hello. I'm trying to implement inapps in my application using adapty. And I faced with a problem when I try to display paywall. When I call method Adapty.showVisualPaywall(...) I get blank screen and nothing else. I guess this method helps to show your paywall(and products) without writing any code for presentation, but it doesn't work or I do something wrong. I will be grateful for any advice. Thanks.

AdaptyError on Flutter in Android app

Hello! I have an AdaptyError exception with null error message and code when trying to receive paywalls in release mode. App is released in Play Market for closed testing. In debug mode everything works as intended. On iOS platform everything works both in release and debug mode Here some logs I/flutter (10797): #0 Adapty._invokeMethodHandlingErrors (package:adapty_flutter/adapty_flutter.dart:240) I/flutter (10797): <asynchronous suspension> I/flutter (10797): #1 Adapty.getPaywalls (package:adapty_flutter/adapty_flutter.dart:64) I/flutter (10797): <asynchronous suspension> .... I/flutter (10797): AdaptyError (code null) Probably, the same bug https://github.com/adaptyteam/AdaptySDK-Flutter/issues/45