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App installs 4x the actual installs

Hi, I have somehow misconfigured my Adapty integration in Flutter. I have two projects, both using Adapty. In one of them, **installs** in Adapty dashboard 100% match the the actual installs (checked in appstoreconnect), whereas in the other the Adapty installs show 4x the actual installs, both iOS and Android. What could be the cause?

Please delete my account

I can't delete my account on Adapty. Can you please delete it?

Please delete my account

Please delete my account

Delete Account

Can you delete to my account ? [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) this account

isActive is false after the subscription renewed and before receiving the Google Play RTDN

`isActive` is false after the subscription renewed and before receiving the Google Play RTDN. There's a moment between a subscription renew and Google Play realtime developer notification. This moment could be a few minutes. If you listen to the Profile stream, the SDK gives you the wrong `isActive` during this moment, causing the user to lose Premium access for a few minutes. Please also note that while `isActive` was false, `willRenew` was true. I don't think there would be any valid cases where these two variables can have different values. I found this issue in the Flutter SDK. I assumed the issue would exist on the Android SDK too as this seems to be an issue caused by the Adapty backend failed to synchronize. This issue needs to be fixed as soon as possible. I can't rely on the unstable state.

Products not showing on iOS production

It works well in iOS debug mode and also works well in Android release mode. but only in iOS release , products are not showing. ![](https://files.readme.io/028ce60-image.png) this is from Adapty package. ![](https://files.readme.io/988306b-image.png) but I found this from Adapty docs. Should I change 'notApplicable' to 'unknown' ? what should I check. why only in iOS release not working

Adapty flutter gradle versions are way behind

Why do Adapty not update their flutter dependencies for Android. This must be a problem for all using Adapty with Flutter.

Restore process with Paywall Builder on iOS

Apple rejected my App because of missing the restore button. I did use the Paywall Builder. They say: "... Include some mechanism in your app to let the user restore their purchases, such as a Restore Purchases button. ...Note that automatically restoring purchases on launch will not resolve this issue." How to fix this with Paywall Builder?

Regarding the Java Code

Please provide java full demo as well. As I followed the documentation fully but I was not able to show PAYWALL then also.

package ıd

**I updated the package id to com.readingapps.gtpalice from the adapty console, but I still get this error.** <br /> [AdaptyFlutter v2.10.1] - VERBOSE: \<-- Adapty.make_purchase() Adapty Error (code: 2003, message: \<HttpError 404 when requesting <https://androidpublisher.googleapis.com/androidpublisher/v3/applications/com.readingapps.gtpalice/purchases/subscriptionsv2/tokens/hbehcheegdkidgicgeikmmgk.AO-J1OzkYNmJkjO930OyVu_SPTHoJSfNy-c2lGBX0zjvzIanMg1ldUsod2lF9XtfqFtcxx1iWPymmX2i55p2P53Zh8KF-MziR2ZH8-LnxTopCdjPl7NkEKs?alt=json> returned "No application was found for the given package name.". Details: "[{'message': 'No application was found for the given package name.', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'applicationNotFound', 'location': 'packageName', 'locationType': 'parameter'}]">, detail: null)