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How do I get "Non subscribed users" Segment ?

[block:image] { "images": [ { "image": [ "https://files.readme.io/d46aad6-image.png", null, null ], "align": "center", "border": true } ] } [/block] <https://docs.adapty.io/docs/segments> in this doc, it says some predefined segments in A/B tests, but I could not find them. where could I find these segments?

Terms and Privacy buttons bugged?

Hello, The buttons Terms and Privacy on the paywall does not open the chosen URL. Is it an issue on my side, or does everyone experiences that? If yes, could it be fixed?

Checking users' status in Flutter

Hi, I am getting error about checking users' current status. Firstly, I have successfully integrated the Adapty system and am able to prompt users to purchase subscriptions. Users can successfully subscribe a product but I cannot control it. Because accessLevels list are always returning empty. But I have one, 'premium'. ```java Dart final profile = await Adapty().getProfile(); // successfully getting profile and profile id debugPrint(profile.accessLevels.length.toString()); // prints 0 ``` If it hadn't been for 0 coming, I could have checked the ones that are premium. However, since accesslevels comes as 0, naturally accesslevels['premium'].isActive returns null. Has anyone encountered this issue? ![](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/tattoo-generator-ai.appspot.com/o/Screenshot%202024-04-08%20at%2015.59.53.png?alt=media&token=81cb08eb-2028-444a-95ab-ecb3c347eec1)

How to fix this adapty purchase issue

I m getting this error on test subscription in android how to fix this error com.adapty.errors.AdaptyError: \<HttpError 401 when requesting <https://androidpublisher.googleapis.com/androidpublisher/v3/applications/com.babblebot/purchases/subscriptionsv2/tokens/kdnllecocmgnfmgjkklbjmdo.AO-J1OwW4no-AoFATae5wGBaYArpOWRkkxqhfvB0JvCLLP8CzEsmfj7V0dALJq3cj6pqKa69vgWWJoBcFnk9BaOJgZki518jdw?alt=json> returned "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.". Details: "[{'message': 'The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.', 'domain': 'androidpublisher', 'reason': 'permissionDenied'}]">

How to solve this problem with AdaptyUI-React-Native (2.1.1)

024-04-01 03:41:31.855 xcodebuild[19736:1767620] DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState: DVTCoreDeviceEnabledState_Disabled set via user default (DVTEnableCoreDevice=disabled) ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: SwiftCompile normal x86_64 Compiling\\ SK1Product.swift,\\ SK1ProductsFetcher.swift,\\ SK1QueueManager.swift,\\ SK1QueueManager+MakePurchase.swift,\\ SK1ReceiptManager.swift,\\ SK1Transaction.swift,\\ SK2Product.swift,\\ SK2ProductsFetcher.swift,\\ SK2Transaction.swift,\\ SK2TransactionManager.swift,\\ SK2TransactionObserver.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1Product.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1ProductsFetcher.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1QueueManager.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1QueueManager+MakePurchase.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1ReceiptManager.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit/SK1Transaction.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2Product.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2ProductsFetcher.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2Transaction.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2TransactionManager.swift /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2TransactionObserver.swift (in target 'Adapty' from project 'Pods') SwiftCompile normal x86_64 /Users/choihyoungbin/Desktop/kkokkio-dev/kkokkioapp66/ios/Pods/Adapty/Sources/StoreKit2/SK2TransactionObserver.swift (in target 'Adapty' from project 'Pods') (2 failures)

Questions about access levels - how many can I create and are there plans for a server API to creat them?

Hey folks - I'm curious how many access levels I can create and also if there are any plans to expose a server API to create or manage them. Thanks!

How to get the non-subscription purchase that is just purchased.

Hello, I am using Adapty for subscriptions on my Flutter app. I am also trying to use Adapty for non-subscriptions. But when a purchase is made with makePurchase() function, AdaptyProfile object is returned instead of AdaptyNonSubscription object. So it looks like I have to compare the AdaptyProfile before and after purchase and find which nonSubscription object is newly created. Is this right? or is there easier way. This way is so overly complicated.

How to get the non-subscription purchase that is just purchased.

Hello, I am using Adapty for subscriptions on my Flutter app. I am also trying to use Adapty for non-subscriptions. But when a purchase is made with makePurchase() function, AdaptyProfile object is returned instead of AdaptyNonSubscription object. So it looks like I have to compare the AdaptyProfile before and after purchase and find which nonSubscription object is newly created. Is this right? or is there easier way. This way is so overly complicated.

Revenue chart

Is revenue shown in the revenue chart based on the country of the user's iPhone settings or the country of the app store?

infinity Adapty Identify

Hi, my Unity application freezes when I do Adapty.Identify, just no callback comes back public SDK key added to the manifest, on the adapty side of the console, I specified the package name in the android settings, in Unity I also specified the same package name and started the keystore, clicked Resolve I get this error on my mac **AdaptyUnityError.DecodingFailed(System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at AdaptySDK.SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x0044c] in ...** ``` public static async UniTask<bool> TryLoginAsync(string userId) { if (_loginStatus != AsyncOperationStatus.NotStarted) { return false; } _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Pending; Debug.Log($"TryLoginAsync : {userId}"); Adapty.Identify(userId, OnIdentifyCompleted); await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => _loginStatus != AsyncOperationStatus.Pending); return _loginStatus == AsyncOperationStatus.Complete; void OnIdentifyCompleted(Adapty.Error error) { Debug.Log($"OnIdentifyCompleted"); if (error != null) { Debug.LogError(error.Detail); _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Failed; } _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Complete; } } userId is Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ```