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PaywallBuilder is not showing products in-app

I am building a Flutter app and using the PaywallBuilder to create a Paywall. The paywall placement renders correctly in my app (although it is incredibly slow), but it is not displaying any of my products that I configured within the Google Developer console. I verified that the product IDs and base plan matches what I set in app. I have also run through instructions to \[setup the Android SDK](<https://docs.adapty.io/docs/android-settings>) and I believe that I ran through everything correctly. Some additional context is that I am running this via an emulator. Could that affect anything? I am not seeing any errors get raised in my debug logs so I am having trouble getting to the root cause of the problem.

Terms and Privacy buttons bugged?

Hello, The buttons Terms and Privacy on the paywall does not open the chosen URL. Is it an issue on my side, or does everyone experiences that? If yes, could it be fixed?

How to get the non-subscription purchase that is just purchased.

Hello, I am using Adapty for subscriptions on my Flutter app. I am also trying to use Adapty for non-subscriptions. But when a purchase is made with makePurchase() function, AdaptyProfile object is returned instead of AdaptyNonSubscription object. So it looks like I have to compare the AdaptyProfile before and after purchase and find which nonSubscription object is newly created. Is this right? or is there easier way. This way is so overly complicated.

infinity Adapty Identify

Hi, my Unity application freezes when I do Adapty.Identify, just no callback comes back public SDK key added to the manifest, on the adapty side of the console, I specified the package name in the android settings, in Unity I also specified the same package name and started the keystore, clicked Resolve I get this error on my mac **AdaptyUnityError.DecodingFailed(System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at AdaptySDK.SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x0044c] in ...** ``` public static async UniTask<bool> TryLoginAsync(string userId) { if (_loginStatus != AsyncOperationStatus.NotStarted) { return false; } _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Pending; Debug.Log($"TryLoginAsync : {userId}"); Adapty.Identify(userId, OnIdentifyCompleted); await UniTask.WaitUntil(() => _loginStatus != AsyncOperationStatus.Pending); return _loginStatus == AsyncOperationStatus.Complete; void OnIdentifyCompleted(Adapty.Error error) { Debug.Log($"OnIdentifyCompleted"); if (error != null) { Debug.LogError(error.Detail); _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Failed; } _loginStatus = AsyncOperationStatus.Complete; } } userId is Guid.NewGuid().ToString() ```

Android SDK 2.9.1 > Error : 400 Bad Request > setVariationId()

Hi, Team We are facing the below issues when trying to set up an event after purchase. Ref Doc: <https://docs.adapty.io/docs/android-observer-mode#ab-tests-analytics> > Request is unsuccessful. <https://api.adapty.io/api/v1/sdk/in-apps/transaction-variation-id/> Code: 400, Response: {"errors":[{"detail":"Transaction with this id does not exist","status":"400","source":{"pointer":"/data"},"code":"TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"}]} ```java Adapty.setVariationId(purchase.getOrderId(), paywall.getVariationId(), new ErrorCallback() { @Override public void onResult(@Nullable AdaptyError error) { if (error == null) { ObLogger.i(TAG, "setVariationId onResult: EventSent --> "); } else { ObLogger.i(TAG, "setVariationId onResult: error --> " + error.toString()); } } }); ``` > Note: > > 1. Paywall: Comes from "Adapty.getPaywall()" function > 2. Purchase: Comes from GooglePlayBilling "onPurchasesUpdated()" method. > > SDK : implementation 'io.adapty:android-sdk:2.9.1'

Adapty react-native/expo paywall login event

Hi, I see that there is an option to add a 'Login' button to the bottom of paywall next to the terms, privacy, restore, etc in the adapty GUI however I do not see any events or documentation on how to know when a user clicks the login button so that I can respond to that event. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have provided code below to show how I am getting my paywall and a few of the current events that I am using to trigger off of. ``` const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall(id, locale) const view = await createPaywallView(paywall) // onPurchaseCompleted for now adapty.addEventListener('onLatestProfileLoad', () => { loginNavigation.navigate('Login', { firstTimeSubscriber: !isPastSubscriber, }) }) unsubscribe = view.registerEventHandlers({ onLoadingProductsFailed() { setErrorText( 'Something went wrong, please check your network and try again', ) }, onPurchaseFailed() { setErrorText( 'Something went wrong, please check your network and try again', ) }, onRenderingFailed() { setErrorText( 'Something went wrong, please check your network and try again', ) }, // etc, no onLoginClicked() or something similar? ```

Error when Accessing Native Module in React Native

Hello Adapty community, I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently facing an issue in my React Native application, and I could use some guidance. I'm encountering the following error: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'react_native_1.NativeModules[bridge_1.MODULE_NAME][bridge_1.HANDLER_NAME]') This error occurs when I'm trying to access a native module within my React Native app. I've double-checked the module's existence and initialization, but I'm still facing this issue. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this error. If you have any experience with similar issues or can point me in the right direction for troubleshooting, I'd be very grateful. Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards, Meet

Access leves response is always false for "profile.accessLevels['premium']?.isActive ?? false" in Android

Hello, I have flutter app with adapty_flutter: 2.6.2 integrated. It works fine wih iOS but when I test it using Android sanbox testing for subscriptions the above method always gives me false response even after making purchases. Is this a bug. We have also created and uploaded service account key using these steps: <https://docs.adapty.io/docs/service-account-key-file> But at the moment Google do not require steps 1 to 3 to be done in play console as per their latest update. is this the reason it is creating the issues? Also why Adapty document is still not updated in this case. Please help me understand the issue ASAP. Many Thanks

VideoPlayer doesn't play when I call logShowPaywall

When the paywall view is turned on, it calls logShowPaywall. When logShowPaywall is called, the videoplayer inside the view does not play. I'm curious if there has been a similar issue. We have an app built with SwiftUI.

VideoPlayer doesn't play when I call logShowPaywall

When the paywall view is turned on, it calls logShowPaywall. When logShowPaywall is called, the videoplayer inside the view does not play. I'm curious if there has been a similar issue. We have an app built with SwiftUI.