Attribution integration

Learn how to pass attribution data to the dashboard using Adapty SDK. Adapty supports AppsFlyer, Adjust, Branch, Facebook Ads, and Apple Search Ads

Adapty allows easy integration with the popular attribution services: AppsFlyer, Adjust, Branch, Apple Search Ads, and Facebook Ads. Adapty will send subscription events to these services so you can accurately measure the performance of ad campaigns. You can also filter charts data using attribution data.



Avoiding events duplication

Make sure to turn off sending subscription events from devices and your server to avoid duplication.

If you set up direct integration with Facebook, turn off events forwarding from AppsFlyer, Adjust, or Branch.


Be sure you've set up attribution integration in Adapty Dashboard, otherwise, we won't be able to send subscription events.


Attribution data is set for every profile one time, we won't override the data once it's been saved.

Setting attribution data

To set attribution data for the profile, use .updateAttribution() method:

Adapty.updateAttribution("<attribution>", source: "<source>", networkUserId: "<networkUserId>") { error in
    if error == nil {
        // succesfull attribution update
Adapty.updateAttribution("<attribution>", "<source>", "<networkUserId>") { error ->
    if (error == null) {
        // succesfull attribution update
Adapty.updateAttribution("<attribution>", "<source>", "<networkUserId>", error -> {
    if (error == null) {
        // succesfull attribution update
try {
  await Adapty().updateAttribution("<attribution>", source: "<source>", networkUserId: "<networkUserId>");
} on AdaptyError catch (adaptyError) {
  // handle the error
} catch (e) {
// Optionally import enum to JavaScript
import { AttributionSource } from 'react-native-adapty';

const attribution = { /* ... */ };

try {
	await adapty.updateAttribution(
		AttributionSource.Branch, // or just 'branch'
	// succesfull attribution update
} catch (error) {
	// handle `AdaptyError`
Adapty.UpdateAttribution("<attributions>", source, "<networkUserId>", (error) => {
    if (error != null) {
        // handle the error
		// succesfull attribution update

Request parameteres:

  • Attribution (required): a dictionary containing attribution (conversion) data.

  • Source (required): a source of attribution. The allowed values are:

    • .appsflyer
    • .adjust
    • .branch
    • .custom
  • Network user Id (optional): a string profile's identifier from the attribution service.




To set attribution from AppsFlyer, pass the attribution you receive from the delegate method of AppsFlyer iOS SDK. Don't forget to set networkUserId. You should also configure AppsFlyer integration in Adapty Dashboard.


In this case, it is mandatory to pass the networkUserId parameter.

// Find your implementation of AppsFlyerLibDelegate 
// and update onConversionDataSuccess method:
func onConversionDataSuccess(_ installData: [AnyHashable : Any]) {
    // It's important to include the network user ID
    Adapty.updateAttribution(installData, source: .appsflyer, networkUserId: AppsFlyerLib.shared().getAppsFlyerUID())
val conversionListener: AppsFlyerConversionListener = object : AppsFlyerConversionListener {
    override fun onConversionDataSuccess(conversionData: Map<String, Any>) {
        // It's important to include the network user ID
        ) { error ->
            if (error != null) {
                //handle error
AppsFlyerConversionListener conversionListener = new AppsFlyerConversionListener() {
    public void onConversionDataSuccess(Map<String, Object> conversionData) {
        // It's important to include the network user ID
                error -> {
                    if (error != null) {
                        //handle error
Future<bool> initialize() async {
    appsflyerSdk.onInstallConversionData((data) {
      try {
        await Adapty().updateAttribution(data, 
                                         source: AdaptyAttributionSource.appsflyer, 
                                         networkUserId: await appsflyerSdk.getAppsFlyerUID());
      } on AdaptyError catch (adaptyError) {
	      // handle the error
      } catch (e) {

    await appsflyerSdk.initSdk(
    	registerConversionDataCallback: true,
    	registerOnAppOpenAttributionCallback: true,
    	registerOnDeepLinkingCallback: true

    return Future<bool>.value(true);




To set attribution from Adjust, pass the attribution you receive from the delegate method of Adjust iOS SDK. You should also configure Adjust integration in Adapty Dashboard.

// Find your implementation of AdjustDelegate 
// and update adjustAttributionChanged method:
func adjustAttributionChanged(_ attribution: ADJAttribution?) {
    if let attribution = attribution?.dictionary() {
        Adapty.updateAttribution(attribution, source: .adjust)
adjustConfig.setOnAttributionChangedListener { attribution ->
    attribution?.let { attribution ->
        Adapty.updateAttribution(attribution, AdaptyAttributionSource.ADJUST) { error ->
            if (error != null) {
                //handle error
adjustConfig.setOnAttributionChangedListener(attribution -> {
    if (attribution != null) {
        Adapty.updateAttribution(attribution, AdaptyAttributionSource.ADJUST, error -> {
            if (error != null) {
                //handle error




To connect Branch user and Adapty user, make sure you set your customerUserId as Branch Identity Id. If you prefer to not use customerUserId in Branch, set networkUserId param in .updateAttribution() method to specify the Branch user Id.

// Pass the attribution you receive from the initializing method of Branch iOS SDK to Adapty.
Branch.getInstance().initSession(launchOptions: launchOptions) { (data, error) in
    if let data = data {
        Adapty.updateAttribution(data, source: .branch)
object branchListener : Branch.BranchReferralInitListener {
    override fun onInitFinished(referringParams: JSONObject?, error: BranchError?) {
        referringParams?.let { data ->
            Adapty.updateAttribution(data, AdaptyAttributionSource.BRANCH) { error ->
                if (error != null) {
                    //handle error
Branch.BranchReferralInitListener branchListener = (data, e) -> {
    if (data != null) {
        Adapty.updateAttribution(data, AdaptyAttributionSource.BRANCH, error -> {
            if (error != null) {
                //handle error


You should also configure Branch integration in Adapty Dashboard.

Apple Search Ads

Adapty can automatically collect Apple Search Ad attribution data. All you need is to add AdaptyAppleSearchAdsAttributionCollectionEnabled to the app’s Info.plist file and set it to YES (boolean value).

Facebook Ads

Because of iOS IDFA changes in iOS 14.5, if you use Facebook integration, make sure you send facebookAnonymousId to Adapty via .updateProfile() method. It allows Facebook to handle events if IDFA is not available. You should also configure Facebook Ads in Adapty Dashboard.

let builder = ProfileParameterBuilder()
    .with(facebookAnonymousId: FBSDKCoreKit.AppEvents.anonymousID)

Adapty.updateProfile(parameters: { error in
    if error == nil {
        // successful update
val builder = AdaptyProfileParameters.Builder()
Adapty.updateProfile( { error ->
    if (error == null) {
        // successful update
AdaptyProfileParameters.Builder builder = new AdaptyProfileParameters.Builder()

Adapty.updateProfile(, error -> {
    if (error == null) {
        // successful update


If you use another attribution system, you can pass the attribution data to Adapty. You can then segment users based on this data.
To set attributes, use only the keys from the example below (all keys are optional). The system supports max 30 available attributes, where the keys are limited to 30 characters. Every value in the map should be no longer than 50 characters. status can only be organic, non-organic or unknown. Any additional keys will be omitted.

let attribution = [
    "status": "non_organic|organic|unknown",
    "channel": "Google Ads",
    "campaign": "Christmas Sale",
    "ad_group": "ad group",
    "ad_set": "ad set",
    "creative": "creative id"
Adapty.updateAttribution(attribution, source: .custom)