
Manage subscriptions and analyze events for each user

Profiles is a CRM for your users. With Profiles, you can:

  1. Find a user with any ID you have including email and phone number.
  2. Explore the full payment path of a user including billing issues, grace periods, and other events.
  3. Analyze user's properties such as subscription state, total revenue/proceeds, last seen, and more.
  4. Grant the user a subscription.

In a full table of subscribers, you can filter, sort, and find users. The state describes user state in terms of a subscription and can be:

User stateDescription
SubscribedThe user has an active subscription
Active trialThe user has a subscription with an active trial period
Auto renew offThe user turned off auto-renewal. Check events for more info
Subscription cancelledThe user cancelled a subscription. Check events for more info
Trial cancelledThe user cancelled a trial
Never subscribedThe user has never subscribed, i.e. he's a freemium user
Billing issueThe user can't be charged
Grace periodA user entered a grace period

You can group users into Segment to create Promo Campaigns, group analysis, and more.

Users properties

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You can send any properties that you want for the user.

By default, Adapty sets:

  • Customer user ID. Is a developer ID and can be any string
  • Adapty ID. Internal ID of a user in Adapty
  • IDFA
  • Country. From IP address country of the user
  • OS
  • Device
  • Created at. Profile creation date
  • Last seen

For a better understanding of your user, we suggest sending at least your internal user ID or user email. This will help you to find a user.

After installing SDK, Adapty automatically collects user events from the payment queue and displays them in a user profile.

Custom attributes

You can see custom attributes that were set either from SDK or manually assign them to the user using the Add attribute button in the Attributes section on the profile page.

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Grant a subscription

In a profile, you can find an active subscription. At any time you can prolong the user's subscription or grant lifetime access.

Changing paid access level

It's most useful for users without an active subscription so you can grant the individual user or a group of users premium features for some time. Please note that adjusting the subscription date for active subscriptions will not impact the ongoing payments.


Expires at must be a date in the future and can't be decreased ones set.